Thursday, February 18, 2016

Nationalism Vs Nazism/Fascism

It is not uncommon to see people changing the meaning of a word as per convenience. After corrupting the meaning of secularism, "nationalism" is the next target for "intellectuals" especially in India. The recent chain of events at JNU and the aftermath has started the nationalism vs patriotism debate. Many people have argued that nationalism is dictatorial, divisive, spreads hatred and so on. They have gone to the extent of equating nationalism with fascism and Nazism.  This is not being done out of ignorance but it is an attempt to malign the nationalists.

Let's start with the dictionary meanings. The Oxford dictionary defines nationalism as "Patriotic feeling". It also gives other meanings as "extreme form of patriotic feeling of superiority over other countries" and "advocacy of political independence of a particular country." Further patriotism is defined by Oxford dictionary as "vigorous support for one's nation". Let us discuss current debate in light of above meanings of nationalism and patriotism.

Firstly let us see whether nationalism is same as fascism/Nazism? The philosophy of Nazism was based upon racial superiority of Germans rather than superiority of Germany. Therefore Nazism is not nationalism but the extreme form of racism. Now coming to fascism, it is derived from Italian word "fascismo" which means "a bundle or political group". Thus fascism means superiority of particular ethnic group, and in case of Mussolini's fascism it was Italian ethnicity. Since Italy as a nation comprised of single ethnicity therefore Mussolini's fascism was confused with nationalism. Now coming to contemporary India, it has multi-racial, multi ethnic diversity. Thus Indian nationalism is neither feeling of racial superiority nor ethnic superiority. From above arguments we can infer that Indian nationalism is neither Nazism nor Fascism.

The third meaning of nationalism is advocacy of political independence of a country. So throughout struggle for independence our freedom fighter aimed at political independence of India. Thus they were nationalists. By equating nationalism with fascism aren't we calling likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Bose etc. fascist? Also, by supporting secessionist demands of Kashmir, Manipur etc. we are supporting Kashmir nationalism, Manipur nationalism. Can we afford to grant independence to our border states? Support to these demands exposes hypocrisy of "intellectuals". On the one hand they label Indian nationalism as fascism while on the other they label various state nationalism as freedom of political choices. This shows inconsistency in their interpretation of nationalism.

What will happen if people are not nationalists? If a jawan guarding the border loses the love for the nation that is nationalism he will be neutral to any infiltration or aggression into territory of the nation. Therefore, hypothetically it will lead to occupation of the nation by other power. If a diplomat is not nationalist, he will surrender the national interest in diplomatic negotiations. Thus nationalism is essential not only to maintain unity and integrity of the nation but also for growth and development. Let’s not be misguided by the propaganda of distorted meaning of nationalism. Be a nationalist, Indian Nationalist and proud Indian nationalist.

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