Finally country, electronic media and "anti-corruption" movement seems to be settled down. Everyone was surprised to see extent of support this movement got. As usual I finished on side with minority. Considering number of NGOs, religious leaders and yoga gurus supporting this movement I don't consider this turnaround as exceptional. Youth support was limited to virtual world only. Ironically most of people supporting this movement were not aware about what this movement was about. "Jan lokpal" became most popular phrase and few knew details of it. Anyways I am not going to slam innocent people supporting this movement, neither I will waste more energy on masterminds of this staged revolution. One friend of mine asked me the alternate way to bring corruption down if it is not lokpal. I will try to mention some of my ideas to do so, I am sure not many will find it feasible.
Corruption has infiltrated all aspects of our lives so we have to accept fact that we can not get rid of it within few days or months. It will take some time. To eradicate it let us start with small scale corruption. If we won't bribe any government official then small scale bribery will be eliminated. Now people will argue it is not possible as these officials will keep on holding on their files if they don't bribe. We have anti corruption bureau and people of India are empowered to approach him directly (jan lokpal bill demands that ppl be empowered to approach lokpal directly). And if in case ACB doesn't work properly we have juduciary. In order to get rid of corruption we have to bear this thing. Lokpal if adopted as demanded by Hajare and co. then also it wont minimize this sufferings.
Coming to secondary corruption, in which both bribe givers and takers are benefitted. This constitutes most rampant corruption. Peope bribe to save IT, Sales tax, etc....people bribe to get rid of stringent punishment, people bribe to get undue advantage. We can not blame the government machinery for this kind of corruption. Let us not save money be giving bribe. Most of Indians are culprit in this regard. I can not understand why people blame only government machinery. (I would like to mention that biggest corruption of country belongs to this category...if benefitting telecom companies wud not have bribed gvt to get licenses at loww cost, 2G scam would hv never touched our country).
Coming systemic part. Good education and moral improvement of "generation next" would eradicate corruption when they will be in mainstream of the system few years later. Our education system needs to be revised radically. Let us move away from traditional education to value based education, rights based education and applied education. (I will give details later on)
Coming to root cause of corruption-"money". Government should give good salaries to it's employees and "incentives" based on performance. Government is trying on this aspect. RFD plan has been started. It should be extended to all government employees. This will work in two fold mechanism. It will prevent our youths from opting for pvt sector jobs and we will get best brains for government jobs. IF intelligent and sincere people will be part of system then definitely we will have better system.
Coming to political system. We ourselves are to blame for this situation. But technically speaking this can be solved within 5 years. In democracy people are most powerful. Let us utilize our "right to vote" in most effective manner possible. During elections affidavit of all contestents are put up on selction commission's website. Read them carefully and then vote. Most common counterargument is that all are corrupt and we have to chose one. Yeah this problem is partially true. Just go through the list. What we need to get politicised. If you don't want to vote for person nominated by someone else then why don't you try to mobilize someone of good academic, professional background to contest elections and campaign for them. This will force political parties to send good people to field. This is not very easy process. But we have to do it if we want to purify political system. No amount of legislation can ensure it. Because to every law these people will find some loophole to get away. LET US REALIZE OUR POWER.
Finally I would request all of you to be part of system. Try to get in to government jobs and work there sincerely. Its not the politicians who run the country. It is the government machinery which runs the country. If you find some problem with it then just be part of it to ensure it's smooth finctioning.
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