Saturday, December 8, 2018


At this auspicious moment of the day, Thank you teacher, all I wanna say, And express my gratitude, For all knowledge and aptitude, Those were gifted by you, And changed my world and worldview, I still remember the day, When to you I had made my way, With mind full of fears, And uncertainties, Oh my dear! I was poor in knowledge, And low in intelligence, But you my teacher, With all your elegance, Guided me. Teacher o teacher, I have come to you, Once again, To seek your blessings, To serve humanity, without any greed to gain, Kindly guide me to follow inner voice, To adhere to virtue, And fight vice!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Morons

"Why should we bear the cost of lavish lifestyle enjoyed by few?" an usual voice of unusual dissent interrupted the conforming silence in the parliament of Banana Republic of Mor.

Banana Republic of Mor has two distinct group of people. A few enjoy austerity blissfully. They sacrifice their sweat and blood for development of Mor.

On the other hand a majority of citizens struggle through intoxication of liquor and drugs at plush bars of the country. Since democracy is twin sister of majoritarianism, these addicts were the ruling elites of the nation.

Lately, these elites were finding it difficult to accomplish their infinite greeds through their finite resources. Parliament was convened to deliberate upon this issue. Elites proposed that Republic of Mor should adopt socialism and whole income should be pooled and all citizens should be reimbursed from this pool towards their needs.

One parliamentarian representing austere class understood the implications of this policy. He could forsee that, under guise of socialism, lavish extravagance of elites would be sponsored by taxing hardworking austere citizens.

"This is against the concept of socialism, here we are trying to fund elites by taxing poor", he tried to make some sense among Morons (People of Mor).

"This person is anti-national, wants to created faultline in our nation. Wants to divide it. Kick him out...." shouted on elite.

Dissenting voice of  sensible minority was crushed by powerful majority. Resolution was passed and citizens of Mor started paying for hedonism of elites.

Can we see parallel in today's society? Tax system? Rising NPAs of banks?

All of us are progressively becoming citizen of Mor that is Moron by complying without asking questions!