Section 66A of IT Act provided for punishment of 3 years for “Offensive” comments posted, propagated through computer, internet etc. Article 19(1)a of constitution has provided for fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression. This right is restricted by article 19(2) which imposes “reasonable” restriction upon such freedom. Such reasonable restrictions include sovereignty and integrity of nation, public order, morality, insult and defamation, security or state, decency and incitement of an offence.
In light of above background let’s debate validity of Sec 66A of IT act. Posting and propagating any message or comment through computer and internet is a form of expression. Communication through internet differs from traditional methods of communication in audience and speed of dissemination. Messages over internet are subjected to very high speed of dissemination and can reach to large number of audience in very short interval of time. “Offensive comment” literally means anything that causes hurt to anyone. Being offended depends upon individual’s personality. Similar comment may leave one unaffected and other deeply hurt. Such wide interpretations make the phrase “offensive comment” very vague in meaning.
Today social media has become important tool to show and propagate one’s dissent, anger and frustration especially over public discourse. Such expression may involve direct or veiled attack upon individuals and institutions. It may be in the form of satire, sarcasm, cartoons etc. In diverse democracy of India everyone can not be expected to be in consent with public affairs. Different point of view ought to exist. This diversity is healthy for Indian Democracy. Vagueness of section 66A gave opportunity to gag such freedom through misuse of statute. Most of the highlighted arrests made under this section had been for trivial issues.
As for as “reasonable restrictions” mentioned under article 19(2) are concerned, there are various laws and sections of IPC to enforce such restrictions. Aggrieved person can approach competent authority under appropriate sections for redressal. Vagueness of said section and availability of other remedies were basis of striking down of it by SC.
However, uniqueness of internet media in terms of audience and speed demands special law to handle misuse of IT. Such law should provide sufficient safeguards against misusing and trivialization. Any intentional hurt caused to anyone should be punished as one’s liberty ends at the point where others’ start. Absolute freedom of liberty should not degrade into absolute liberty.