Article 19 (1) A of Indian constitution provides for freedom of expression. Kissing is an expression of love, appreciation also a sexual behaviour. there are many ways of kissing ranging from simple peck over forehead or cheeks to intimate passionate kiss. Later being more of sexual behaviour.
Recently a campaign titled "kiss of love" was started as protest against moral policing done allegedly by "right wing " organisations. Here intimate kissing is being used as tool for protest. Prima facie such act of kissing seems to be perfectly fine and legal under our constitutional framework. But article 19 (2) has imposed certain restrictions over freedom of expression. As per this freedom of expression is limited by public order and morality. Morality is belief of what is right or wrong. nature of the act makes it morally good or morally bad.
As far as kissing is expression of love and appreciation, there is no bar constitutionally or morally on this to be exercised in public place. However any kind of sexual behaviour done in public place is not correct morally thus becomes constitutionally unacceptable.
Further question arises whether kissing can be used as tool for the protest. If we buy the logic of supporters of this campaign then sky is the limit. But we as responsible citizens should see merits of everything objectively. Rights come along with duties. Freedom of expression comes along with duty to exercise such rights in moral way. I agree that cretain organisations do not have rights to decide what is morally right or wrong but running campaign without considering merits and demerits is another extreme.
Its true that we have full liberty but this liberty has to have some limitations. Social morality is one such limitation. If we grant intimate kiss as legitimate way to protest, then in future similar logic will be used to justify other forms of sexual behaviour in public places. Social morality is set of codes which are acceptable in contemporary society. The society should not be forced to accept something in order to make it socially moral. It has to be morally good in order to be accepted by society.